This wiki was created by the Association for Language learning in 2015.
It is intended for language teachers (primarily in England) and is open for searching. Please note that many contributions include attached files; to see these files you need to join the wiki (via the button at the top right of the screen - you will be guided to create a wikidot account first – which is very quick!) If you do not see the attachments, then click on the Files button at the foot of the screen.
We encourage teachers to submit their own contributions to the wiki also; once you are registered you can click on the large button on the home page to create an entry. This will take you to a pro forma page where you should give your contribution a suitable name, but you may need to invent a variant name if others have already made a contribution with the same title.)
Please fill in as many of the sections as possible / relevant.
When the entry is complete, please Save it. You can return to edit if you need to.
If you have resources to attach to your contribution please Save first; then click on the Files button at the foot of the page, which will offer you the choice to Upload; click on Upload; then click on Browse, select your file and click on Upload again.
ALL cannot be responsible for the accuracy of the references, although links were checked at the time of their contribution. The editorial group has tried to acknowledge any copyright issues in relation to cited resources. If there are others, please advise us at ku.gro.segaugnal-LLA|ofni#ku.gro.segaugnal-LLA|ofni and we will attempt to rectify or remove any offending material. In relation to contributors' suggestions, the copyright for those ideas remains with the original author, and not with ALL. We are grateful for the sharing of these ideas.